Monday, 25 May 2015

ISYS100ABNS: Attack on Macquarie University!

Today is the day! The great unveiling of our video!

So after showing you all kinds of skits we combined the ideas of some here and there and bring you this video "Isys100 ABNS- Attack on Macquarie University".

Now i don't want to spoil much but i will say it was a lot of fun filming this and editing it was just as fun! Just click play and let the video take you on a journey!

We think there are two main responses to this video, you'll either look like this:

Or you'll look like this!
We hope it's the latter.
Check out the video below! Enjoy!

Pranks gone wrong!

So with the lead up to the release of our very own video, we already showed the upsides to a harmless prank video, however depending on the type of prank there can be some really crazy situations where things don't go anywhere near as planned!

The following video is a compilation video and it looks at pranks gone wrong. Now some of these are just a lack of reaction from the crowd/those involved but on the other hand, some of the pranks being conducted are a bit extreme and lead into even more extreme cases.

But it's probably better if you judge it for yourself. Check out the video below!

And don't let my opinion persuade you but i can tell you this is exactly how i looked right after watching this video ..Enjoy!

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Key & Peele ft. Freddie Wong: Mexican Standoff

We are back with another hilarious review of Key and Peele comedy! This time, it's the encounter between two cops (Key and Freddie) and a Mexican drug dealer named Cortez (Peele). SPOILER ALERT: this gets so crazy, I don't even know where or how to begin.

Well, this is how it starts. Key and Fred find themselves in a "Mexican standoff" with Cortez. The two cops say there is no way out for Cortez, marked by a sniper, only to be rebuffed by Cortez saying that a drone is marking the sniper. Yeah, and then it escalates pretty quickly when Key turns on Fred and Fred retaliates by saying he's got a second sniper on Key. So apparently, both of them knew each others' moves all along, all along, all along...... And then the story takes a twist when Fred mentions about the blueberry pie, turning Peele a.k.a Cortez a.k.a the sleeper agent Blueberry Jackson on Key and Fred, saying how he's a secret agent investigating corruption.

Will this end already? Nope, not yet. So apparently they've wearing masks all along, Key as actually Fred, and vice versa. And guess who Key was? A gun wearing a mask. LMFAO!

Now the three tried sorting out which is which, which ends being a shooting contest, with each of them shooting the other two. Phew, finally it's over.

Ha! you reckon? Peele apparently seemed to "win" the standoff since he was wearing a bulletproof vest, until, Key turned into a gun again! (son of a gun $#%#%#%#) Before the gun could shoot Peele, the story takes a final turn, with Peele claiming he's actually a blueberry p-SHOOT! dead.

Thus the police came, concluding some random Asian shot himself eating a pie and made it seem like the gun shot the pie *snigger*
Just another wild night in the Wizard City.
wait, wat.

haha, I'll leave you now to enjoy the video!

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Key & Peele: Pussy on the Chainwax

Oh hey, sorry got a little carried away.
Anyways, this story all starts when Key talks about winning an argument with another dude and just randomly says out "I put the pussy on the chainwax". Peele, however, is not as impressed as the other mates with his hilarious new quote. Clearly unconvinced by this new "thing", he tries to search the new term on Google, much to the displeasure of Key. Then the arguments begin, with Key continuously quoting and Peele trying to convince everyone this makes no sense literally at all (what a dumb nut, of course it makes no sense). Peele has had enough by now, just loses his plot saying that everyone ought to stop saying this because it's bullshit. Key gets depressed, saying how he wanted to have some fun with his closest mates after he lost his job and his girl left him.
And this is how Key responded: "all I wanted to say, is......WE PUT ON THE PUSSY ON THE CHAINWAX!"

We all love a bit of twist in the story, don't we?

Enjoy the video!

Friday, 22 May 2015

Can i hold your hand?

This time we won't be looking at Key and Peele, in fact we aren't going to be looking at a scripted sketch! Today we look at some pranksters, in particular, "LAHWF". When you think of a prank, the best thing about it is the reaction and what ruins it is the predictability, however the best kind of pranks are the simple ones and that's exactly what LAHWF does.

In his prank "Holding people's hands" he does exactly that, walks besides strangers and tries to hold their hand. Simple and the reactions say it all. Now just a heads up, we have completed filming for our own video and that is why this post is here, we are just touching it up a bit, so i hope your ready for some fun. We have strayed a bit from the idea of a planned sketch, because lets be honest, targeting strangers is definitely way more fun!

Now if you can't watch the video, this picture pretty much sums up the reactions.

Check out the video below!


Thursday, 21 May 2015

Key & Peele: Das Negros

We're back with another review of one of Key & Peele  videos from Comedy Central. This time, it's the two encountering with the Nazis. Again! (why bless them, don't they just love to make Nazi parodies) In this scene, Key, starring as Baron Helmut-errm, Schnitzelnazi (you did nazi that kommen, did jew?) and Peele as Leroy...I mean, Heimrich Leroyheimer gets visited by a SAS officer looking for 2 runaway negros.
The officer first examines the dimensions of their heads, saying that nearly every negro has a similar half-sized head. They pass the test, and the officer points out that there are several exceptions to this rule. He then takes out a plate of beet, saying that it is literally impossible for a negro to resist beets and they are attracted to it like "flies on honey". Well, Key and Peele seem oblivious to the test, much to the satisfaction of the officer. He then pulls out his final test, bringing a cat toy and dangling it in front of them. (Ikr, all Nazis are f***ing idiots, anyway...)
They seem to pass the final hurdle, and the officer, satisfied with the proof, that ain't no negros, leaves them in peace.

No sooner had the officer left, Key and Peele's old instincts start kicking in and they start playing around with the cat toy.
Old habits die hard, for real.

Anyways, enjoy the video!

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Terror or Laughter?

Here we are again with another video from the geniuses of Key and Peele!
Now terrorists are always a sensitive topic but really the world needs to be a bit more humorous and when stuff is funny we need to laugh! This video is pretty similar for what we have planned so if you like this, you'll love ours!
This video doesn't only take a lighter look at the scary things, but also looks at some of the airport laws we look at and say" Really, that is a pretty unnecessarily accurate law isn't it?".
Well if you watch these videos, the people of the airport security are prophetic gods.

Ever seen a frustrated terrorist leader when he cause
any terror in the world?
 Now you have.

Enjoy the video!

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Key and Peele's "Flicker" and "Nooice"

Key and Peele: Flicker

This is an epic skit about two office co-workers who engage in a serious game of deception. This game just gets sooooooo outta hand!! It is literally a child's game which you play in primary wait...kindergarten where you point out a supposedly "schmutz on your jammy jam". Then when your friend falls victim to your deception, you flick their nose up to emphasise the gullible idiot that you are :P
I died laughing to this just because of the setting in which the prank was made.....and of all places, the workplace. OMG. I thought this was funny back in the day. But this. I cannot emphasise just how annoyingly stupid these two guys can get! hahahahaha one of a kind team

Key and Peele: Nooice

This starts off at a breakdance circle. There are two regulars who come and observe the sweet moves that other people are pulling off. Peele's catchphrase is "Nooice" and starts to nooice other peoples dance moves. Key then nooice's Peeles nooice and feels threatened that his catchphrase will be stolen by him.
One thing leads to another and Key disappears from the group. From here on in, there is literally no script to help describe. Peele is searching for Key as he feels bad for telling him off. Then it gets ridiculously emotional, with them running to each other in the rain and forgiving each other just by saying "nooice". I cannot believe that a convo can be made with just one word. Just try it with a mate and see how far you can go with the convo. These two guys make it so epic. You need to watch this!

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Key & Peele: Awesome Hitler Story

Hey folks, we are back again with another review of another episode of Key & Peele! And this time, it's about an American soldier (Key), a German commander and his soldier (Peele). Key was with his other 2 American compatriots when they got ambushed by German soldiers, but Key pretended to be dead when the Nazi soldiers stepped over. Then out came the German commander, who then began to tell his "awesome hitler story" to Peele, about how he got up close with ze Fuehrer.

Yeah I know, I'd have the same screw-me-to-boredom face aswell.

Anywhoo, he was continuing his story when he got interrupted several times by Peele, trying to point out to the vain self-centered general about how Key was alive and could listen to them talking. Understandably irritated, the general confirmed them dead by poking them with the rifle bayonet but when he came to poke Key, he just moved his body to the other side which the retarded general interpreted as "final death throes". Arrghh, can't blame Peele, he couldn't take it anymore. He screamed out "You're being an idiot!" well, you can probably see where it went from there onwards. The general coolly and calmly took his gun out, and disposed of Peele in the usual Nazi-ish way.

Key, had his last laugh, actually, his last wink to be precise. Simply 'Muricans

Enjoy the video!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Key & Peele: Negrotown

"It's just one of those days you don't wanna wake up, everything sucks, everything's f***ed!" that one line from Limp Bizkit would have been circling around the poor black guy's(Keegan-Michael Key) head when he got stopped by a white cop walking down an alley and got arrested for trying to politely argue back. Things turned quite weird when another black guy(Jordan Peele) stepped in and seemingly took Key to a whole new world of Negrotown, yes you heard it right, Negrotown. *rolls eyes*

And here in Negrotown they sung their happy song, of a place where no white people was there to snatch away their rights, no race card victims in banks, where all the taxis would take them wherever they want to go. It seemed too true to be true, Unfortunately, it was. The poor guy came back to his senses to see it was all a stupor, only to be shoved inside the police car.

We all wish there was a niggatown, doncha?

Anyways, I'll leave you to enjoy the video. Have a good laugh!

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Getting High in school!

Think back to your high school days, were you the funny one? or the quiet one? Did you joke with your friends about everything the teacher said? Did you ever tell a joke that only one person heard, and you then get to sit there and watch the guy you told it to repeat the same joke and get all the credit? If this happened to you then you will definitely feel this Key and Peele sketch and if you've never experienced this you are so very lucky but will no doubt enjoy this video too!

Without spoiling too much, this video captures the awkwardness of your friend taking credit for your work and perfectly depicts the sense of "THAT WAS MY JOKE AND IM GONNA KILL YOU",
This picture right here, sums up that feeling.


Tuesday, 5 May 2015

I Set My Friends On Fire

So i know we said we'd do some more Key and Peele recaps and we will, but for a change of pace i'd thought we should look at some other funny stuff out there, for example this song by "I Set My Friends On Fire" and the Comedy Duo "Smosh".
Before you check out this video, imagine you are in high school again and its that awkward time again when you have to learn about sex education, and your teacher is showing you diagrams of god knows what and telling you how everything works, its weird as hell right? NOW imagine you got to watch this music video, not only is it insanely hardcore but its educational!

Insane Guitar solos, inflatable guitars, chronic screams, and non-stop headbanging. This is the perfect way to teach our kids about the awkward stuff. It is nothing short of a crime that this song isn't played in schools everywhere!
If you want to check out more Smosh stuff head over to their site!

Don't worry you'll get your Key and Peele Fix in a couple days!

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Key and Peele: I Said Bitch

This Key and Peele sketch should really be called, “I Said Biiiiiiitch”. In this sketch two men, both married, are complaining to each other about their wives. They pretend to be really tough and fearless, describing the times they have told off their wives and called them “biiiitch”. Catch is, every time they say the word, they frantically look around to check that their wives aren’t listening. Their attempts to avoid their wives gets more and more over the top until they end up floating out in space. Check it out below!

Key and Peele are ridiculously funny in the above clip. The change of locations highlights the fact of how much bs these guys are talking. They start out in the hallway of the house, move to the basement, end up in a tree, followed by an abandoned field until they make it in to out of space to make sure their wives don’t hear! Classic lines besides the obvious “I said biiiiiitch” is the line “I looked right in to the windows of her soul and said biiiiiitch”. The best part of this sketch is the fact that both men know they are full of crap, but they allow and encourage each other to believe that they are tough and can stand up to their wives by calling them biiiitch.  Let us know what you think of this sketch in the comments below!

Stay tuned for more Key and Peele recaps over the coming days.