Saturday, 9 May 2015

Key & Peele: Negrotown

"It's just one of those days you don't wanna wake up, everything sucks, everything's f***ed!" that one line from Limp Bizkit would have been circling around the poor black guy's(Keegan-Michael Key) head when he got stopped by a white cop walking down an alley and got arrested for trying to politely argue back. Things turned quite weird when another black guy(Jordan Peele) stepped in and seemingly took Key to a whole new world of Negrotown, yes you heard it right, Negrotown. *rolls eyes*

And here in Negrotown they sung their happy song, of a place where no white people was there to snatch away their rights, no race card victims in banks, where all the taxis would take them wherever they want to go. It seemed too true to be true, Unfortunately, it was. The poor guy came back to his senses to see it was all a stupor, only to be shoved inside the police car.

We all wish there was a niggatown, doncha?

Anyways, I'll leave you to enjoy the video. Have a good laugh!

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